How to Build Beauty into Routine
For me, the idea of a routine has always felt a bit mundane. Maybe that’s why I feel so averse to the idea of getting into one. If it’s routine, that must mean it’s exceedingly ordinary or boring. And one of my worst fears is that my life will be boring.
Since I’m in my self-care and recentering era, I’m trying to reframe how I look at the idea of a “routine.” I mentioned in my September intentions that I hope I allow my life to just “be” and to let go of things that no longer serve me. And what I’m learning is that my days of just willing things to happen with no real thought or effort are no longer serving me. In fact, I think they might be holding me back.
Enter a routine – but we’re gonna make it pretty. Here are three ways to make the mundane, magic.

Set a Goal – Build a Ritual Around It
Instead of thinking of “routine” as the things we do daily, dropping the kids off at school, brushing teeth before bed, and so on, I’m starting to reframe the word “routine.” Moving forward, when I say I’m in need of a new routine, what I mean is more discipline around scheduling time and space for me to practice being the best version of myself. This reframe allows my routines to begin to feel like rituals, practices devoted to a future me.
This month, I’m trying to reignite the ritual of waking up. I’m not naturally a morning person, but I know that when I wake up early, my perspective of the day is more positive on the whole. And with darker months and longer days fast approaching, I know that waking up will be TOUGH. So, I’m going to make it special.

Instead of getting up and hitting snooze immediately, I’m going to head straight downstairs to spend a little extra time making coffee. I’m going to froth my milk, sprinkle cinnamon and drink from a real mug. No phone. It’ll be my five minutes to savor what I just made. Eventually, I’ll turn on the fire and read for a bit before getting the day going. These small rituals make the routine of waking up not just bearable, but beautiful.
Make Time for Joy
All too often our routines prioritize things that we “have” to do and we forget to prioritize anything that we “want” to do. The two do not have to be mutually exclusive.
For example, this week I’m prioritizing reading for 30 minutes in the afternoon, every day. Reading brings me so much joy and escape, but I’m often too tired to read much before bed. So, I’m putting it on the calendar. I’m choosing to make space for something that I know will lift my spirits.
Of course, there are certain things we must accomplish. But, life is short. Schedule time to take that bike ride, try a new workout class or simply lay on the floor if that’s what’s bringing you joy (or at least peace) right now. Keep it simple. The simpler it is, the more likely you are to do it sustainably.

Allow Space (and Grace) for Change
It’s through doing things consistently that we start to notice patterns and trends. We start to figure out what works and what doesn’t. While discipline requires a certain amount of rigidity in forming routines and habits, there is also beauty and freedom in releasing the things that no longer serve us.
Holding on to unhelpful behaviors and actions for the sake of routine, versus allowing space for evolution and experimentation, can lead to things going south, quick. The routine is the tool, it’s not the way of life.
We are in a season of transition and change. We’re closing out summer and entering into a new phase of the year. What worked the past few months, may not feel quite right anymore. And that’s ok. Allow other intentions to come up. Set new goals. Create new rituals.
Your routines should be sacred – crafted to help you drop into your space, your body, your goals. That’s the most beautiful part of all.