Practicing My Peace: Staying Intentional Through the Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to all those who celebrate! I’m in awe that we’re at the end of November. I’m honestly starting to feel a little unmoored when I think too much about how quickly time has passed!
When I start to feel this way, it’s usually because I’m not paying attention. I’m not present enough in my body and mind to acknowledge what’s going on around me. I lack intention.
It’s easy to get swept up in the festive gatherings, holiday traditions, seasonal decorations, and elaborate food spreads. It’s even easier to get swept up in people-pleasing and perfectionism. I know I often try to create the “perfect experiences” that everyone will enjoy and busy myself with crossing everything off my list. It’s honestly exhausting.
So, because this is the “year of me” and I’m on a mission to let some of that go, here’s what I’m doing to stay intentional over the coming weeks. There is magic in this season and I’m determined to be present for it!
Setting Boundaries for My Time and Energy
I will not be rushing to make plans with everyone I know for the sake of the holidays. I’m going to be selective about my time and energy. At family gatherings, I will have no problem sitting out for an activity that I don’t feel like doing. I know I need alone time to recharge, and I trust that when I rejoin the group, I’ll be better able to be fully present.
Taking Responsibility for My Experience
I am not responsible for other people’s happiness, but I take full ownership of my experience. The stress of the holidays doesn’t come from the holiday itself, it comes from me. So, this year despite the relaxed dress code, I’ve decided I’m dressing up for Thanksgiving lunch – because I want to. Elevating my outfit makes me feel festive and happy. I’m also hoping to start a fun tradition of martinis after we eat!
Shopping with Discernment
I think another thing contributing to my disconnection from the season is the inundation of sales happening earlier and more aggressively. THERE ARE SOME GREAT DEALS OUT THERE. But I am not buying something simply because it’s on sale. It’s fun to get a good deal, but only if it adds value to my life, makes getting dressed easier, or is something I’ve been eyeing for a while. It’s money well wasted if it adds clutter or adds more decisions to make. I’m seeking ease and simplicity this season and that includes my shopping cart.
At the end of the day, the holidays boil down to this: spending time with the people I love most. I don’t want to look back on this season and wish I had slowed down more or feel regret at spending money I didn’t need to spend. There’s so much to feel gratitude for and find magic in if I’m willing to look for it. And this year, I’m all in.
Happy holidays!