November Reflections and December Intentions

“The timeline for magic is decades, not days.”
Zach Pogrob
I blinked and November was over. When I reflect on the last month, it feels a bit like a blur that I’m trying to freeze. It got colder. I switched to sweaters, but not coats. I lit candles every night. I worked. I traveled. I spent time with some of my favorite people.
When I try to bring November into focus, what becomes clear isn’t exactly what I did – but how I felt. I craved coziness and warmth and tried to embrace the shorter days instead of dread them. I tried to honor my body’s desire to slow down, to rest, to reevaluate.
Not everything needs to be done “right now.” There’s a quiet satisfaction in doing something good for myself, slowly over time.
One of my October intentions was to “delight in the simple things.” What that ended up looking like in November (oops) was cooking more during the week, cozying up the house and reading every night before bed. I feel more grounded going into the final month of the year and excited to find joy in the festive energy of the season.
And while we’re on the subject of December, here’s what I’m looking forward to and what I hope to be true.
December Intentions:
- Get outside. Slowly return to running for my mental health, not pace.
- Focus on thoughtful additions to my wardrobe.
- Spend more time reading in front of the Christmas tree.
- Write down three good things that happened at the end of every day.
- Fill the house with music. It’s time to dust off the records we’ve been collecting and actually play them.
Currently Loving:
- Movie: American Symphony – the most beautiful story of how life is so beautiful, but so damn hard.
- Book: Unaccustomed Earth – a collection of stories that expose the nuance of what it means to be Indian in America
- Recipe: This is the easiest chicken and rice soup – so soothing and comforting this time of year
- Podcast: The Wedding Scammer – A true story and wild ride of one man’s career as a scam artist (allegedly.)
Wishing you the happiest of holidays! I hope you’re good to yourself this December.