I Tried a Trend…and I Liked It

horseshoe jean trend
Horseshoe jeans, Adidas Samba

Actually, I tried THREE trends. And I’m here to say that in doing so, I’ve not only validated my own personal style, but I had FUN.

I know trends can be a slippery slope of consumption. I completely understand how tracking trends could contribute to a cycle of feeling unworthy, lacking or incomplete somehow. And when used inappropriately, trends can do more harm than good.

But what if we used trends as tools?

Here’s what trends I tried (and loved).

Horseshoe Jeans
horseshoe jean trend
Horseshoe Jeans

I saw them on an influencer (of course) and thought they were hideous, at first. I silently judged her from behind my screen.

I found them bizarre. Maybe a little distracting? Definitely expensive.

After a while, I realized that I wasn’t judging her for wearing such an exaggerated shape, I actually loved the jeans. But, I was too scared to try them.

Here’s the thing about buying clothes on the internet – YOU CAN SEND THEM BACK. It’s not life or death, it’s clothes.

I found that this shape helps my hips (hi insecurities!) feel proportionate to the rest of my silhouette. I love wearing them with a block heel because I feel tall and confident. That feeling? Worth every penny.

Adidas Samba
adidas sambas trend
Adidas Samba

I thought surely my desire for these would pass. But, after months of going to reach for a nonexistent pair, I decided it was time to try them. The stars aligned and they were in stock. *ADDS TO CART*

These gum soled gems are insanely good. I get the hype. I find them to be TTS, super comfortable, easy to wear and add an effortless element of “cool.”

The black stripes add visual interest and a classic touch. Truly, I don’t know why I resisted for so long. They’ve become nearly an everyday staple.

Statement Socks
2023 trends to try
Ray Ban Sunglasses, Hansel from Basel socks, Trench Coat

I’ll admit – I’m still working on getting this look to feel more like me. I can’t wait to play with statement socks and sandals in the spring. Or not! I can change my mind.

However, I do love wearing them with sneakers and loafers. As a gal who doesn’t wear a ton of color, this is a great way to sneak some in.

And I feel like socks have come a long way in recent times. Thanks Pinterest for all the inspo on how to wear them!

How to Know if a Trend is Right for You

Beware of using trends as an excuse to buy something you *probably* don’t need.

Instead, think of trends like dating. You don’t have to get serious with every trend you try. It’s okay to just have fun and try lots of different things!

Ask yourself these questions before clicking “add to cart.”

  • Does this trend excite me?
  • Will this trend be wearable for the life I *have*, not the life I *want*?
  • Am I buying this to fit in or because it brings me joy and fills a need?

Yes, the constant cycle of trends, 52 seasons and “hauls” on the internet are overwhelming and unnecessary. But, we can change our reaction to all of it.

Think of trends as ways to explore your style and do something different. Don’t lose yourself in all of it. Dress for yourself and your clothes will never go out of style.

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