How to Purge Your Closet: Part One

Over the Door Shoe Rack

Tis the season to tuck away the summer clothes, bring out the cozy layers and leave behind anything that no longer serves us. Think of learning how to purge your closet as a way of ushering not only a new season, but a new mindset.

If this is your first closet purge in a while, identify the goals. For example, the goal of my most recent purge was to figure out what I *actually* had for fall and winter, identify any gaps and reorganize for better ease of use.

But let’s say you still had lots of tags on clothing, overflowing racks or just feeling generally overwhelmed by it all, make this first closet purge about exploration. Ask yourself:

  • “What’s in here?”
  • “Why do I have this?”
  • “Does this item bring me joy?”

Editing out what doesn’t serve you takes time, so make sure you’re in the right headspace! And give yourself grace if you feel frustrated – tackling a closet can be all kinds of emotional warfare.

The Process

Step One: Empty Out your Closet

Clear. Out. Everything. You should be looking at a blank closet/wardrobe/garment rack when you’re finished. I’m talking bare walls here people. Do not skip this step. It helps build clarity.

Try on everything. Or, at the very least, hold each piece in your hands and listen to how you feel about it. There’s a big difference between “Eh, I might need this just in case.” and “Holy cow. I love this and need to put it on right now.”

Be honest with yourself about the life you actually lead and if the garments you have give you main character energy.

Step Two: Sort
  • Keep: This pile is ONLY for pieces that you bring you joy, fits you well and are seasonally appropriate. If that garment matches all of that criteria, hang it back up.
  • Maybe: Is this garment something that doesn’t quite fit? Are you only keeping it for sentimental reasons? Put it in a box and store it. If you find yourself reaching for it, you can always go get it. If after 30 days, you haven’t thought about it, donate it. Let someone else enjoy it.
  • Seasonal: If you love this garment, like LOVE it, but it’s not seasonally appropriate, put it in storage. Pull it back out when the proper season rolls around. Remember to do that for every season! Only have out what is appropriate.
  • Hate: This one is probably obvious. But make a pile of garments that don’t fit and you don’t love. Consider selling them at consignment stores or online. I love Tradesy, ThredUp and Poshmark. Or good old fashioned Goodwill is a great option to.
How to Purge Clothes Without Regret

This is a tough one. Editing clothing shouldn’t be painful. But, how do you know when it’s the right time to let go of something?

If the potential regret stems from spending money on an item, think about it this way. The money has been spent. It’s gone. The bigger waste was that a particular item never got worn for a meaningful amount of time. It didn’t add value to your daily life.

If the potential regret stems from sentimentality or a fit issue, consider packing up those pieces in a box. Hang onto them for a bit. If circumstances change, pull them back out and revisit. Don’t punish yourself for wanting to save these items. Bodies change. Lives change.

If your items are threadbare, ripped, stained, etc. they have to go. Maybe some can be salvaged for rags? But, truthfully those things have to get out.

Learning how to purge your closet isn’t about forsaking your identity, it’s about learning what you love about what you wear.

After steps one and two are done, the fun really begins. Organizing a thoughtful a wardrobe in a small closet requires a little creativity, but can really pack a punch. Stay tuned for part two!

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