How to Identify Wardrobe Gaps

We’ve all heard the phrase “wardrobe gaps” before, but what does that *actually* mean and how do we identify them?
The definition of a “wardrobe gap” probably differs from person to person, but the way I think about gaps in my wardrobe boils down to this:
What pieces am I missing that give the existing clothes in my closet more flexibility, wearability, and longevity?
I like to think of gaps as an opportunity to refine my personal style, edit my wardrobe thoughtfully, and purchase accordingly.
How to Find Wardrobe Gaps
There are probably several approaches to identifying wardrobe gaps because editing a closet and reflecting on style is extremely personal.
However, here are *incredibly basic* steps I followed to find the gaps that took my wardrobe from good to great (well, at least more functional).
My 5-Step Process
- Take stock of every item of clothing you will wear for the season.
- Spend time figuring out what fits, what you love and what you don’t. Move the pieces that you don’t love and that don’t fit out of sight. Pack them away – we don’t have the energy for what doesn’t serve us.
- Give yourself time and space – don’t rush out and buy something new for the sake of buying something new.
- Take note of pieces that keep coming up.

My Steps Explained
At the begining of the season, I took everything out of my closet, put away the winter knits and heavy cottons, and took a look at what I had left. I realized three things:
- I had lots of (barrel leg) jeans and fun shoes
- I didn’t have a ton of tops or third pieces (like blazers, cardigans, etc.)
- I wear the striped Deep End shirt from AYR no matter the season – she’s seasonless.
But, it felt hard to wear my fun shoes because I had nothing that balanced them out for everyday.
Even though my beloved AYR button up is perfect on her own, I wanted to elevate her somehow and add a little interest.
Because I work mainly from home and in a very casual office, I knew my closet didn’t need anything fancy or incredibly tailored.
And honestly, the fanciest “occasions” that occur in my life are the one-off dinner dates with Kenny or friends. So, I knew I needed some statement tops just to account for that.
Additionally, I added a blazer, some basic tanks, fun accessories and a statement top to get me started. All of these, in turn, help me to create more possibilities with my existing closet.
Remember, assessing your closet takes a lot of editing and doesn’t happen overnight. This is a slow and thoughtful process that cannot be rushed.
If you need a little isnpo or are curious about what I got, shop down below!