Holiday Gifts for the Reader

Ok, so you know how I said I was an expert in holiday gifts for the homebody? Well, I contain multitudes and just so happen to also be an avid reader who knows a thing or two about gifting to biblophiles. I curated this list with book clubs, neighbors and teachers in mind. But, they could all work for anyone who appreciates the written word.
Happy gifting!

Kindle Cover – $35
I’ll admit it, I love my Kindle. But, I don’t really want anyone else knowing I use it. So, I got a Kindle cover that looks like a *real* book! Trust, I still love the feel of a book with actual pages, but this cover is the best of both worlds.

Book Flower Vase – $14
These would make such cute book club gifts! Or even for an English or reading teacher. The slim profile allows the book shaped vase to stand upright in row of books. So great for adding some color or dimension to a bookshelf!

Personalized Book Stamp – $18-25
Because we need our books back from book club! This cutie little stamp can be customized to say “From the library of …” – darling! I actually got one with my new married name on it as a wedding gift and remember thinking how thoughtful it was.

Kate Spade Book Tote – $28
Those library books are not going to carry themselves! Plus, you could stuff this with tea, books, bookmarks and fun pens for a complete gift set!

Rifle Paper Co Book Mug – $22
This mug is just so dang cute. I couldn’t not include it. The little hand painted classic books feel so whimsical and sweet. But, If this one isn’t striking your fancy, there are lots of other sweet designs.

Juniper Books Book Jackets– $99
I have been coveting Juniper Books jacket sets for a long time. Their aesthetically pleasing book jackets cover a range of titles and will add something fun to your beloved boxed sets.

Tequila Mockingbird– $28
Please gift this to the pun loving, cocktail sipping, American literature loving, reader in your life. All of the cocktails have a literary twist with fun illustrations and readings.

Kindle Paperwhite – $139
This is the perfect gift for anyone who hasn’t taken the plunge yet. I know “real” books are sacred, but having a Kindle has allowed me to have access to more books, which has in turn allowed me to read more than ever. It’s great for reading outside and on the go.

Bibliophile Postcards– $15 (set of 50)
For the old souls who love books and snail mail, this is the gift for them. These cute book stack illustrations are frame worthy alone, but will mean even more with a thoughtful message from a friend.